Tuesday 28 October 2014

Presidency, Amaechi’s war deepens

By Clifford Ndujihe & Ben Agande
ABUJA—THE political war raging between the Rivers State
Governor and the Presidency deepened, yesterday, with the
presidency describing Governor Rotimi Amaechi as a rascal
and warning him to stop insulting President Goodluck
Jonathan or be ready to face the consequences of his
utterances, including legal actions.
In a statement in Abuja, Special Adviser to the President on
Media and Publicity, Dr Reuben Abati said Amaechi’s
penchant to insult the president and denigrate the office was
an “irresponsible and rascally behaviour” which he said
reached a new level in Port-Harcourt  last Saturday.
At an event marking seven years of his victory at the
Supreme Court on Saturday, Amaechi made series of
allegations against the president and the First Lady, Dame
Patience Jonathan, who he accused of  fomenting trouble
because he refused to share the resources of Rivers State
with her.
Rotimi Amaechi and Goodluck Jonathan
By Clifford Ndujihe & Ben Agande
ABUJA—THE political war raging between the Rivers State
Governor and the Presidency deepened, yesterday, with the
presidency describing Governor Rotimi Amaechi as a rascal
and warning him to stop insulting President Goodluck
Jonathan or be ready to face the consequences of his
utterances, including legal actions.
In a statement in Abuja, Special Adviser to the President on
Media and Publicity, Dr Reuben Abati said Amaechi’s
penchant to insult the president and denigrate the office was
an “irresponsible and rascally behaviour” which he said
reached a new level in Port-Harcourt  last Saturday.
At an event marking seven years of his victory at the
Supreme Court on Saturday, Amaechi made series of
allegations against the president and the First Lady, Dame
Patience Jonathan, who he accused of  fomenting trouble
because he refused to share the resources of Rivers State
with her.
However, in a strongly worded statement, Dr. Abati
cautioned Amaechi to stop blackmailing the first lady as the
only thing she demands from him is ”good governance,
justice, equity, fairness, real development and progress in
Rivers State” and not money as Amaechi claimed.
Presidency blasts Amaechi
The statement read: “Governor Rotimi Amaechi took his
obnoxious willingness to denigrate the highest office in the
land in a reckless bid to advance his selfish political
interests to a new level of irresponsible and rascally
behaviour yesterday (Saturday) in Port Harcourt with his
totally false and baseless vituperations against President
Jonathan, the First Lady and the Federal Government.
“It appears from the governor’s completely unfounded and
off-the-mark allegations that he had totally lost all sense of
propriety, decorum and responsible political behaviour and
resorted to unacceptable demagoguery, libel, blackmail and
incitement of public disorder.
“Unless his unbridled ambition and desire for self-
promotion have completely befuddled his mental faculties
and caused him to totally lose touch with reality, Governor
Amaechi must know that his claims and allegations are
“We can only assume therefore that he is deliberately
spewing malicious falsehood in a desperate effort to incite
the people of Rivers State and Nigeria against his assumed
political foes.
“We warn him that there are legal, constitutional and moral
limits to political rascality beyond which he will not be
allowed to go without repercussions.
“The immunity which he currently enjoys notwithstanding,
Governor Amaechi should be under no illusions:  A day of
reckoning will surely come when he will answer for all his
actions and false allegations against President Jonathan,
the First Lady and the Federal Government.
“He should also know that Nigerians are aware of the truth
and will never be fooled or swayed by his arrant
opportunism and anti-Jonathan rantings.
“Nigerians know that while Mr. Amaechi falsely accuses
others of corruption, he cannot show or explain to the
people of Rivers State what he has done with the billions of
Naira that has accrued to the state under his tenure. They
also know that while Amaechi continues to falsely accuse
the Jonathan Administration of having done nothing for
Rivers State, he has recklessly squandered huge state
resources on dubious, vain-glorious projects or self
“Nigerians will know too that while he falsely alleges that
Rivers and other states have not received funds due to them
from the Federation account, the only outstanding allocation
was for September, which was released to all states well
over a week ago.
“The Governor should stop trying to make President
Jonathan the scapegoat for his woeful performance in
Rivers State and look to his own very apparent failings and
“He should also stop blackmailing the First Lady who has
demanded nothing from him other than good governance,
justice, equity, fairness, real development and progress in
Rivers State”.
FG fraustrating my efforts — Amaechi
At the Port Harcourt rally, last Saturday, Amaechi, who
spoke on some of his achievements since he came on
board, accused the Federal Government of frustrating his
effort to provide potable water for Port Harcourt.
“We were to give Port Harcourt water. As I am talking to
you, the Minister of Finance has refused to move the file
back to the executive council for approval so that you can
have water. They don’t care for you. Punish PDP with your
vote”, he said.
Amaechi lashed out at the Federal Government, saying it
had failed the people in several areas. “They said the
reason the President is not performing in Rivers is because
he is quarrelling with the governor. Okay, what is the
quarrel with the governor of Cross River and Akwa Ibom that
the road to Cross River is abandoned? Are they quarrelling
too? It is more of lack of performance.”
The governor accused the President of taking some oil wells
belonging to Rivers, adding that he did not encourage the
state effectively to fight Ebola when it broke out in the state.
“When Ebola broke out, to show you how much the
President hates us, he visited Lagos. Did he visit us? He did
not care. He wanted all of us to die. And I took it as a
challenge and say none of us will die. I brought out money.
It took the President at the end of Ebola to give us ordinary
200 million naira. I released one billion, one hundred and
six million naira to fight Ebola. See our airport. The
President lands there. We are like refugees”, he said.

Senzo Meyiwa, South Africa captain shot dead

South Africa and Orlando Pirates captain and goalkeeper
Senzo Meyiwa was shot dead late Sunday near
Johannesburg, a police spokesman told AFP, with club
officials describing his slaying as a “loss to the nation”.
Senzo Meyiwa
South Africa and Orlando Pirates captain and goalkeeper
Senzo Meyiwa was shot dead late Sunday near
Johannesburg, a police spokesman told AFP, with club
officials describing his slaying as a “loss to the nation”.
Lieutenant-General Solomon Makgale said Meyiwa, 27, was
gunned down at a house in Vosloorus, a township about 30
kilometres south of the city, and declared dead on
admission to hospital.
“We can confirm that Bucs (Pirates) goalkeeper Senzo
Meyiwa has been shot and sadly declared dead on arrival
at hospital,” the South African Police Service (SAPS) said
on its Twitter feed.
Police later said there were seven people inside the house,
including Meyiwa, when two suspects entered and another
remained outside.
Makgale said that the motive behind the attack remained
The incident happened at around 2000 SA time (1800 GMT)
in Vosloorus township, added police who did not comment
on some media reports that the shooting was sparked by a
row over a mobile phone.
“There was an altercation and Senzo Meyiwa was shot. The
three suspects fled on foot after the shooting.
“We can assure South Africans that we will do all we can to
bring Meyiwa’s killers to book.
“A reward of up to R150 000 ($14,000) is being offered for
any information that can lead to arrests.”
Pirates, one of the most popular and successful South
African football clubs, also confirmed that the player had
been killed.
“@Orlando_Pirates family has learned with sadness of the
untimely death of our number 1 keeper & captain Senzo
Meyiwa,” the club tweeted.
Irvin Khoza, the club chairman, added: “This is a sad loss to
Senzo’s family especially his children, to Orlando Pirates &
the nation.”
Meyiwa played for his club in Soweto Saturday and has
been in outstanding form for the national team during recent
2015 Africa Cup qualifiers.
The death of the national football team captain is the second
tragedy to hit South African sport within three days after
former world 800-metre athletics champion Mbulaeni
Mulaudzi died Friday in a car crash.
South Africa team-mates Dean Furman and Andile Jali were
among the first to react to the Meyiwa tragedy on Twitter.
“Beyond devastated at the loss of our captain and friend
Senzo Meyiwa. Thoughts and prayers are with his family
and friends at this terrible time,” tweeted England-based
Furman, who plays for Doncaster Rovers in the third-tier in
the English league.
“Just got a call and I was sleeping, but now I cannot sleep
because of what I just heard,” tweeted Jali, who moved from
Pirates to Belgium club Ostend this year.
After many years in the South African football shadows,
Meyiwa had a meteoric climb to fame with club and country.
He displaced national squad goalkeeper Moeneeb Josephs
as first-choice at Pirates, the only South African side to be
crowned African champions.
And a recent injury to South Africa captain and goalkeeper
Itumeleng Khune gave Meyiwa a chance in the national
team, popularly known as Bafana Bafana (The Boys).
New national coach Ephraim ‘Shakes’ Mashaba not only
promoted Durban-born Meyiwa to replace Khune but also
made him captain of a team that has been in the doldrums
for some years.
Meyiwa responded to his promotion by leading the team to
victories over Sudan and Congo Brazzaville and draws with
Congo and Nigeria, a country South Africa traditionally
struggle against.
He did not concede a goal in the four matches and if South
Africa defeat Sudan in eastern city Nelspruit on October 15
they will qualify the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations tournament.
He was also made captain of Pirates and helped the club
defeat Ajax Cape Town 4-1 Saturday in a South African
League Cup quarter-final.
Meyiwa gave a flawless performance and the only Ajax
attempt that beat Meyiwa came from a penalty kick.
Full name: Senzo Robert Meyiwa
Date of birth: September 24 1987
Age: 27
Place of birth: Durban
Height: 1.75 metres
Club: Orlando Pirates (2005-2014)
Previous club: Cosmos (2002-2005)
International experience: South Africa goalkeeper and

Friday 24 October 2014

The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced that cor members will now receive N500 daily

The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced that cor
members will now receive N500 daily
LEADERSHIP reports that the Director General of th
National Youth Service Corps, Johnson Bamidele Olawum
made this known during the House of Representative
committee hearing on the N4,000 compulsory onlin
registration fee for all corp members. What do you thin
about this new development?

Thursday 23 October 2014

Breaking News:- Jonathan Finally Declares Interest To Contest In 2015

President Goodluck Jonathan has finally
announced his interest to contest in the 2015
presidential election, informing leaders of the
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on Thursday
that he would get the nomination form of the
party before the deadline.
The party had said it would not shift the deadline
for the procurement of nomination forms.
Jonathan’s body language over time had also
shown that he was prepared to seek re-election
even though his government is believed to have
carried along with it, a baggage of various
To ensure a successful declaration exercise that is
scheduled for between 7th and 15th November,
the President has set up a Presidential
Declaration Committee headed by Dr. Haliru
Bello, a former Minister of Defence, to prepare
the programme for the declaration.
You Will Loose Our State, PDP Faction Tells
However, as the split in the Ebonyi State chapter
of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) gets
intense, a faction of the warring party members
have warned President Goodluck Jonathan of a
likelihood that he would loose the state in the
2015 general elections.
At a press briefing in Abuja on Thursday, the
aggrieved faction said it could no longer bear the
excesses of the state governor, Mr. Martin Elechi,
accusing the governor of imposing candidates on
the party in the State with reckless abandon.
The faction, led by Mike Awo, said, because of the
provocation, many people in the state could
embark on a protest vote against the candidates
and the President in the forthcoming elections.
The group said part of Elechi’s high-handedness
was that he had ensured that a meeting of the
party caucus, as provided for in the constitution,
had never been held since 2007 when Elechi won
as governor and that the governor alone had
been acting on behalf of the party without
carrying others along.
According to the faction, during the last state
congress, many of members showed interest to
contest for party positions but were not even
allowed to obtain the nomination forms, let alone
further their desires to contest the election.
Awo said it may interest people to know that the
party in Ebonyi State compromises of aggrieved
members and that the former state chairman of
the party was intimidated to resign and leave the
way for a stooge who would do the bidding of the
“From the foregoing it is now very obvious that
if there is no intervention, PDP will die a natural
death in that state chapter and the President
stands the risk of losing election in Ebonyi State,”
Awo said adding that though the faction was not
against zoning in the State, the way and manner
the governor went about imposing candidates
smirks of hate and political delinquency.
Abuja prostitutes have been given a 48-hour ultimatum t
leave the capital city, while their customers have also bee
threatened with the death sentence. The ultimatum wa
made by the Secretary for Social Development, Mrs
Blessing Onuh after an official visit to locations wher
prostitutes carry out their activities in the Federal Capita
Territory. Onuh warned that severe measures had bee
lined up for sex hawkers, after security agencies combe
several red-light districts and made series of arrests. Sh
bemoaned the menace of prostitution in the state, sayin
that Abuja’s powerful men are their regular customers
“They parade a horde of half-unclad girls and women o
various ages and sizes brazenly exposing themselves, whil
openly and desperately beckoning on motorists an
passers-by to pick them for the night.” “They insult, poke
rude jokes and pour vituperation on those who look at the
scornfully or ignore them. Indeed, for Abuja’s affluent an
powerful men, it has become commonplace to place orde
for these women on the street or import them from othe
states and even from far-flung countries in the Caribbea
and Asian countries.” Onuh also added that the prostitute
have become regular attendees of social and politica
functions in the state. “High-society social, politica
functions are incomplete without a harem of these shadow
women. The import of these is that the upsurge requires
holistic framework to be able to deal with this seemingl
intractable scourge,” she added.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Taking the lullaby seriously! Kanye West designing a tiny wedding ring for daughter North

Taking the lullaby seriously! Kanye
West designing a tiny wedding ring
for daughter North
Kanye loved Kim Kardashian so he made sure to a ring on
it and now that he has another little lady in his life, he is
doing the same thing.
HollywoodLife reports the 36-year-old rapper is working
with this wedding ring designer to create a diamond tribute
to his 16-month-old little girl.
The Yeezus star is, of course, incorporating a tiny band with
a princess cut diamond for his princess to wear on her
wedding finger throughout her childhood.

Put a ring on it: As well as North wearing matching outfits
with her mom, father Kanye West is also designing a
diamond ring for his daughter, pictured with mother Kim at
Paris Fashion Week last month
While some may find it a little creepy, the idea comes from
a good place, with the source telling the website he wants
to be 'the first man to put a ring on his girl’s finger'.
'He’s in the process of designing her a one-of-a-kind
diamond ring for her to wear on her wedding finger. It
symbolizes Dada’s love for his little angel.'
And unlike in the classic lullaby, Hush Little Baby, where
the Papa has to buy something new to replace the diamond
ring her gave his little girl because it turned to brass, this
gift will not be tarnishing any time soon.
His little princess: While some may find it a little creepy,the idea comes from a good place, as the rapper wants tobe 'the first man to put a ring on his girl’s finger'

Daddy's little girl: Kanye, seen here in June, wants to makesure the 16-month-old knows she is worth the world, or avery pricey diamond at least, as she grows up
The star is designing the ring with famed jeweller Lorraine
Schwartz, whom he entrusted to create the ring for the other
special lady in his life, Kim, for their wedding in May.
Taste for the finer things: North has lready got her handson her mother's wedding ring in the pictured posed on NewYear's Eve
The close source told HollywoodLife: 'Call him crazy, but
that’s what he’s doing. He says it’s going to be princess
cut with her name engraved in the band and will have the
biggest diamond on it that she can possibly carry on her
little finger.'
Anticipating people will say such a gift is too much for a
baby, Kanye has already told those around him he does not
care if other people think it is too much because nothing is
too much for his little girl in his mind.
'He doesn't care. He will be the first man to put a ring on
his girl’s finger. He’s waiting until she gets a little older
and will have Lorraine make it to fit her little finger.
'He will do nothing short of spoiling her because that’s
what he wants to do. That little girl means everything to
him and there’s not a limit on what she can have.
'He’s lucky to be doing it and incredibly thankful, too.'
On Monday, mother Kim did her own ring tribute to the little
girl, stepping out with letter rings on each of her fingers
that spelt out North West.
To do so, the 33-year-old slipped off her very pricey
engagement ring and wedding band to ensure there was a
spot for the baby's name.
Also designed by Lorraine - who is a personal friend of
Kim's - the reality star's engagement ring featured a 15-
carat cushion cut diamond reportedly worth $1.25 million
and her wedding band featured smaller matching diamond all around it
Cheaper love declaration: On Monday, the reality star didher own ring tribute to the little girl, stepping out with letter
rings on each of her fingers that spelt out the baby's name
Kim wears revealing jumpsuit as she walks with North and Kanye

Just like mommy: The Yeezus star has reportedly enlistedthe help of Lorraine Schwartz, who created Kim's 15-caratcushion cut diamond engagement ring

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Finally Oscar Pistorius has been sentenced to five(5)years imprisonment

PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA — Oscar Pistorius will spend his
first night behind bars tonight, after he was sentenced to
five years imprisonment for shooting and killing his
girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day last year.

The Olympic athlete, dubbed the Blade Runner due to his
prosthetics, has to spend at least one-sixth of his sentence
behind bars before he become eligible for a sentence
conversion – meaning he could be placed under house
arrest in 10 months.
The judge also gave Pistorius a suspended sentence of
three years for a weapons charge.
Pistorius was led to the court's holding cells after court
adjourned, later scheduled to arrive at the Kgosi Mampuru II
Prison in Pretoria. Acting National Correctional Services
Commissioner Zach Modise assured the court last week
that Pistorius would be kept in the prison complex's
hospital section, to protect him from other prisoners – and
the possibility of an attack.
PHOTO: Oscar Pistorius, center, gestures after he was
sentenced in court in Pretoria, South Africa, Oct. 21, 2014.
Judge Thokozile Masipa kept the courtroom in suspense for
more than an hour today before announcing her sentence,
declaring that the sentence has to balance issues such as
retribution, restorative justice, rehabilitation and the interest
of society.
"A non-custodial sentence would send the wrong message
to the community. But a long sentence would also not be
appropriate, because it would lack mercy," she said.
Masipa rejected the defense's arguments that athlete’s
vulnerability made him unsuitable for prison, saying he has
demonstrated his ability to cope throughout his life.
"I heard witness after witness over-emphasizing the
accused's vulnerability," she said, adding that "Yes, the
accused is vulnerable, but he also has excellent coping
skills... He really saw himself as disabled [but] worked
hard....and became respected worldwide."
PHOTO: Oscar Pistorius, center, touches hands with family
members as he is led down to the cells of the court in
Pretoria, South Africa, Oct. 21, 2014.
She said Pistorius has had an enormous impact on society.
"He gave this time and money to charities... and changed
the public's perception of disabled people. This cannot be
ignored and ought to be put into perspective," said Masipa.
The defense has already indicated that it would not appeal
the sentence or conviction, while the state has 14 days to
indicate if it will file an appeal.
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See what president Jonathan said about Nigeria being declared Ebola free yesterday

Yesterday, Nigeria was declared Ebola free by the World
Health Organization, (WHO). The declaration is an
attestation to the Nigerian Can Do Spirit. It is also a clear
demonstration of the many possibilities of our Nation. With
us as a people, united under God, there is nothing we cannot
achieve when we stand together behind an objective. Unity
is the secret weapon Nigeria used against the Ebola Virus
Disease and nothing shall be impossible for a united Nigeria.
I congratulate and thank all Nigerians on this great feat. I
want to also specially thank the governments and peoples of
Lagos, Rivers and Enugu states, the first responders who
treated the index cases. To all the thirty six state governors
who united with the Federal Government to rid Nigeria of this
scourge I also say a big thank you. Although we have been
declared free of Ebola we must however, remain vigilant as
the Ebola virus is still on rampage in neighboring Sister
Countries. We cannot afford to let down our guard when
there is still Ebola pain in our subregion. In this regard we
will spare no resource in supporting our neighbors in the
battle to contain this deadly scourge. May God bless the
Federal Republic of Nigeria. GEJ

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Man abandons three children in boarding school for eight years

Man abandons three children in
boarding school for eight years
Authorities of Solid Model College, a boarding school
located in Abule-Iroko area of Ado-Odo Ota Local
Government Area of Ogun State are currently in search
of a man, who abandoned his three children in the
institution for the past eight years.
The school managment said the absence of the parents
was causing more harm than good to the kids’ studies. Naijadoop reports that the trio, namely: Seun Adepegba,
14, Seyi, 10 and Titilola, 13, have been longing to see
their parents, who they left almost a decade ago.

Jim iyke points out that he has learent from his mistakes

I have learnt from my mistakes — Jim Iyke
His name is James Ikechukwu but many know him as Jim
Iyke. He talks about his personality and career
With kidnap cases being a common trend, do you entertain
fears that you could be a victim?
There is a certain way I live and I believe people only
attract what they feel and what they love. So, if I have
fears, what I would attract would be fears and misgivings. I
am completely fearless about these things because it is a
law of attraction. I have no fear of gunmen or kidnappers
because I have not wronged anybody for them to want to
harm me. I drive out at 2am and go back to my house at
4am. I just believe that every morning when I get on my
knees and pray, God knows my intention. He knows that I
am going for my daily bread and I am not in anybody’s
way. Though, I have made my mistakes, I have repented
from them and go about my business. There are basic
laws of existence which people should not violate. If you
have the fear of the unknown all the time, you will attract
negative things to yourself. I don’t live like that. I am a
typical Lagos boy and I have been around all kinds of
crimes and none ever got to me.
Now that you have joined the league of celebrities running
reality shows, what aspect of your personality will you
I don’t know if I should call it shocking, but I like moving
around my house naked. I feel I am always dressed in
public, so when I am inside my house, I should enjoy the
freedom that comes from not being tied down with clothes.
So, you will see me moving around with parts of my body
blurred by the camera.
There is an impression you are an arrogant and unfriendly
One of the reasons I am running the show is to allow people
see and understand a lot of things about the real me. I deal
with people on a daily basis and they do not understand
that certain pressures can make somebody appear rude or
arrogant. Shyness can make someone appear rude and
unfriendly. But the show will feature the pressure I go
through daily and the way I cope with that pressure.
What kind of pressure are you talking about?
There are so many. It is not easy to have your life
constantly scrutinised. This is Lagos, there is so much
pressure coupled with lack of basic human amenities.
These factors can contribute to the pressure a man has to
cope with.
Why did you go into fashion?
Yes. I realised that since I don’t shoot as many movies as I
did in the past, I can do other things. I have made that point
clear-it is not about quantity anymore, it is about quality
and I am very careful about what I do now. The last movie
I featured in, ‘last flight to Abuja’ was what ushered in this
project I am doing now. In this business, you are as good
as your last job.
In fashion, one can either be an admirer or an investor. My
lifestyle as a fashion admirer and consumer has cost me a
lot of money. I made an inventory of how much I have spent
on fashion and cars as well as the houses I have lived in. I
reasoned that it was time to turn my passion into an
enterprise. Since I like fashion, I decided to go into
boutique management, now I can buy clothes for myself
and others. I can make money from it instead of just
Do labels influence your choice of clothes?
I am not brand crazy, but it happens that the best clothes
are made by the big brands, take it or leave it. The
designer labels cost a lot of money but there is a healthy
competition; which is why I find the fashion market very
interesting. I have discovered that everybody is heading
towards the same direction. I have been to factories that
make goods for Gucci. There are people working on a
smaller scale and these are the ones I hire to make my
clothes and they give me what I want. However, I always
buy what I know I would look good in.
You are a sunglasses freak too?
I have about 125 pairs. My personal assistants and people
who come to my house keep stealing them. Also, I have
been a collector of all kinds of stuff-shoes and sneakers. I
think I own about 200 pairs; it is not something to brag
about, this is a form of art for me, just like the way people
collect stamps. I like shoes and I collect them. I keep the
ones my mother owned in the 60s and the ones my aunts
owned in the 70s. I get shoes that are much branded and
are limited edition. For me it is not just about fashion
statement anymore, it is art.
Do you indulge in any kind of food?
I am a sweet tooth and a junk food junkie. I have gained
weight at some point and no matter how hard I trained, I
was gaining weight! I knew what the problem was so I had
to cut down. I barely eat breakfast but I eat one solid meal
a day. This could be lunch or dinner. Once I indulge, I
make sure I eat everything I want to eat.
How do you relax?
I watch movies. I have to watch movies to sleep and I
don’t just watch them for pleasure, I watch them critically
to learn about new things.
What is a typical day like for you?
I sleep around 3am every day, no matter the time zone or
the country. I wake up fairly early, depending on the
amount of activities I am involved in but I think I have
some sort of in-built clock, I wake up at the same time
every day which is 6 am. When I wake up, I pray because
God is the central part of my life and I give it all to Him.
My father always said the best exercise of the day is
prayers. As soon as I am done with prayers, I do an
exercise which is a fusion of yoga and martial arts. It is a
process where the body, soul and mind have to be in sync.
I do it to purge my mind and body, relieve the pressures of
the day and make decisions about the kind of people I
would let into my life for that day. I have not been to the
hospital in over 12 years of doing the exercise.

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Monday 20 October 2014

Lagos To Send Health Workers To Sierra Leone

Lagos To Send Health Workers

To Sierra Leone

Lagos State Governor Babatunde Fashola had said that the
state would soon deploy health workers to Sierra Leone to
aid in the fight against Ebola
Lagos State is set to deploy health workers to join the fight
against Ebola in Sierra Leone , Governor Babatunde Fashola
has said.
Fashola stated this while speaking at a programme held in
Ikeja to commemorate his 2700th day in office.
The governor said that the health workers had aided in the
containment of the disease in the state and so they were
being sent to replicate their successes in the neighbouring
Fashola added further that Nigeria won't be completely safe
from the disease until it had been conquered in all the
affected countries.
He said:
“Lagos is free from Ebola, Nigeria is free from Ebola. But
that does not mean there cannot be another case.”
“For as long as people are moving from countries to
countries, the risk of infections is still there."
“That is why I appeal to the Federal Government to
continue to scrutinise people travelling into Nigeria from
land, sea and air from regions where the problem is still
“That is why some of the things the commissioner for
health will be announcing very soon is the arrangements
we are making to send some of our health workers and
volunteers to go and help out in Sierra Leone."
“That is the only way we ,the whole of Africa and the World
can be safe.”
The governor also announced the appointment of Dr
Oluwakemi Sekoni as Chief Scientific Adviser to aid the
formulation of strategies against the disease in the state.

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Liberian President Writes To The World On Ebola

Liberian President Writes To

The World On Ebola

Liberia has suffered the worst of the current Ebola outbreak
and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has written a touching
letter to the world to ask for help and support
Liberian President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has written a
touching letter to the world to ask for help in putting an end
to the Ebola outbreak which has brought her country to its
The current outbreak has been described by the World
Health Organization as the worst ever and it has claimed
the lives of over 2000 Liberians.
The president’s letter was read on radio and transmitted all
over the world. Read it below:
Dear World
In just over six months, Ebola has managed to bring my
country to a standstill. We have lost over 2,000 Liberians.
Some are children struck down in the prime of their youth.
Some were fathers, mothers, brothers or best friends. Many
were brave health workers that risked their lives to save
others, or simply offer victims comfort in their final
There is no coincidence Ebola has taken hold in three
fragile states – Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea - all
battling to overcome the effects of interconnected wars. In
Liberia, our civil war ended only eleven years ago. It
destroyed our public infrastructure, crushed our economy
and led to an exodus of educated professionals.
A country that had some 3,000 qualified doctors at the
start of the war was dependent by its end on barely three
dozen. In the last few years, Liberia was bouncing back. We
realized there was a long way to go, but the future was
looking bright.
Now Ebola threatens to erase that hard work. Our economy
was set to be larger and stronger this year, offering more
jobs to Liberians and raising living standards. Ebola is not
just a health crisis – across West Africa, a generation of
young people risk being lost to an economic catastrophe as
harvests are missed, markets are shut and borders are
The virus has been able to spread so rapidly because of the
insufficient strength of the emergency, medical and military
services that remain under-resourced and without the
preparedness to confront such a challenge. This would
have been the case whether the confrontation was with
Ebola, another infectious disease, or a natural disaster.
But one thing is clear. This is a fight in which the whole
world has a stake. This disease respects no borders. The
damage it is causing in West Africa, whether in public
health, the economy or within communities – is already
reverberating throughout the region and across the world.
The international reaction to this crisis was initially
inconsistent and lacking in clear direction or urgency. Now
finally, the world has woken up. The community of nations
has realized they cannot simply pull up the drawbridge and
wish this situation away.
This fight requires a commitment from every nation that has
the capacity to help – whether that is with emergency
funds, medical supplies or clinical expertise.
I have every faith in our resilience as Liberians, and our
capacity as global citizens, to face down this disease, beat
it and rebuild. History has shown that when a people are at
their darkest hour, humanity has an enviable ability to act
with bravery, compassion and selflessness for the benefit of
those most in need.
From governments to international organisations, financial
institutions to NGOs, politicians to ordinary people on the
street in any corner of the world, we all have a stake in the
battle against Ebola. It is the duty of all of us, as global
citizens, to send a message that we will not leave millions
of West Africans to fend for themselves against an enemy
that they do not know, and against whom they have little
The time for talking or theorizing is over. Only concerted
action will save my country, and our neighbours, from
experiencing another national tragedy. The words of Henrik
Ibsen have never been truer: “A thousand words leave not
the same deep impression as does a single deed.
Yours sincerely,
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

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Thursday 16 October 2014

Greater Evangelism World Crusade Founder, Geoffrey Numbere is dead. See his last message

Greater Evangelism World Crusade
Founder, Geoffrey Numbere is dead.
See his last message
Pastor and founder of Greater Evangelism World
Crusade headquartered in Port Harcourt, Apostle
Geoffrey Dabibi Numbere is dead.
He reportedly died of prostrate cancer on 15th of
According to a Facebook post by Kaydee
Numbere, “He told us he was given 40 years to do
his work. 5 years was just extra. Remember he
took no drug not even paracetamol for 40 solid
years. In the 41st year, he fell ill. I can say much
but all I can say to encourage you is- it’s OK to
cry…I will eventually. But remember, if we only
have hope in this life then we are miserable. I
am absolutely sure he wants us rejoicing and not
weeping helplessly. In fact, he asked us not to cry
if he went and yes with that stern look of his.

2Face Idibia Confirms He Is Working On A Song With Blackface and Faze

2Face Idibia Confirms He Is Working On
A Song With Blackface and Faze
In an exclusive interview with The NET , 2face
Idibia hinted at himself working together
alongside his former group members on a song.
He said‘Actually, we are working on a song
We really can’t wait for to hear whatever they
have cooking in the kitchen.
2Face, Blackface and Faze made waves in the
early 2000s as one of the first musical group to
deliver good music under the name Plantashun
They however decided to pursue their Solo career
and have all had successful individual careers.
The group got back together briefly to work on
an album project in 2007 which was titled ” Plan
and the album was a pretty successful one.


As you read this, plans are in top gear for another big
wedding in Nollywood. It’s the wedding of star actress
Funke Akindele to a Naija Big Boy resident abroad. Going
by reports, Funke will be tying the knot, this time, without
anybody even having a clue how it will go down. She is
said to be considering a court wedding which is to be
followed by a grand reception abroad. The wedding is set
to hold later this month. Recall City People Magazine broke
the news of another nuptial for Funke Akindele following
the crash of her first marriage to Kehinde Almaroof.
According to what City People gathered from a reliable
source,Funke who has been in a blossoming romantic
affair with her new heartthrob for quite some time now, has
finally accepted his proposal to take the union to the next



After a 3-1, loss to Sudan at the African Cup qualifiers,
Super Eagles coach,Stephen Keshi has been sacked and
replaced with Amodu Shuaibu, as Nigeria hopes to win the
final two games of the 2015 African Cup qualifier.
Executive Committee after a meeting in Abuja on
Wednesday night. Keshi’s technical and backroom staff
were also fired along with him.Only Team Secretary Dayo
Enebi retained his position. It is said after the 2 games, a
foreign coach will take over…

Tuesday 14 October 2014

T.B Joshua finally in court…Who owns the private jet that flew close to Synagogue building? a must answered quetion

LAGOS—The coroner inquest into the collapsed
building at the Synagogue Church of All Nations,
SCOAN, took off yesterday with the Coroner Judge,
Magistrate Oyetade Komolafe requesting the South
Africa government to allow families of the deceased to
donate blood for DNA test towards identifying the
victims, also some disables who claimed to have
benefited from the goodwill of the church founder,
Pastor T. B. Joshua flooded the court with placard
asking who owns the private jet that flew close to the
Mystery Jet that attacked SCOAN TB Joshua’s hostel
Magistrate Oyetade Komolafe said he will facilitate
early release of their corpses for burial after
Also, the Coroner Judge, disclosed that the court was
not constituted to witchhunt, but to find the cause of
the building collapse and the deaths as well as making
necessary recommendations to prevent future
occurrence in line with the state coroner law.
Magistrate appeals
In his appeal, Magistrate Komolafe explained that the
DNA examination was a major aspect of the inquest,
noting that it would be difficult for the pathologists to
carry out their work if the deceased relatives were not
available to identify their deceased relations.
Majority of the victims recovered from the debris of
the building collapse were South Africans.
Komolafe said: “I sympathize with the families of the
victims as well as South Africa government, but I want
to seize this opportunity to state the importance of the
DNA to this inquest.
“Relatives of victims should donate blood to enable the
pathologists identify the bodies. The medical team and
pathologists are working because the court has directed
them to carry out the activities and report back.
“It is important for the South African embassy to
ensure that relatives of the victims come forward for
the pathologist to get the needed samples to compare
with the bodies.
“Those corpses have to be properly identified and when
that is done and the process completed, the bodies will
be released to the South African government and they
can take them home if they so wish.
“We have to work together. We should not allow
anything to cause misunderstanding between Nigeria
and South Africa because we are one, at least we are
blacks. Please, let us work together to make this
process a success.”
Church assures on support
While the church represented by Prince Lateef
Komolafe also promised an absolute support to the
Coroner, the court urged necessary parties in the
proceedings to cooperate with the court so as to come
out with adequate information and recommendations.
Considering the procedure to be adopted to enhance
smooth and speedy result, Magistrate Komolafe agreed
with counsels representing the parties by allowing
them to file their testimonies through affidavit
deposition as well as allowing oral evidence from
He stated that the court was not going to be rigid in the
application of the rules of evidence and other court
rules except where it becomes extremely necessary.
However, he warned that he will not spare any witness
who disregard a court summon by compelling his
Counsel to the church, Prince Lateef Fagbemi, SAN, and
the state represented by Mr. Gbolahan Adeniran and
the State Police Command, represented by Mr. Chukwu
Agwu had had a tough time agreeing on when to visit
the scene of the incident.
Fagbemi had requested the court to grant his client
more time to enable them upload necessary documents,
evidences at the court registryas well as arranged their
witnesses, who he said will include some foreigners .
While the Officer in Charge of Legal Matters, Lagos
State Police Command, Agwu, aligned himself with the
request of Fagbemi, the state Counsel opposed the
request on the ground that the church supposed to
have gathered its witnesses considering when the time
when the incident happened.
The police lawyer submitted that he got the summon to
appear before the court as at close of business last
Friday, arguing he would need time to get documents
ready and prepare some deputy commissioners of
police for the inquest.
The arguments compelled the court to stand down the
case for 15minutes to enable counsels agreeing on a
date for the next sitting of the court and the time to
visit the locus (site of incident).
Moment after the resumption, the court finally fixed
Thursday for visit to the “locus”(site of the collapsed
The Coroner Judge, equally appealed to all those who
failed to appear at the inaugural sitting to appear
before the court at the next adjournment.
He listed them to include the National Emergency
Management Authority(NEMA), Nigerian Security and
Civil Defence Corps(NSCDC), Office of the Lagos State
Surveyor General and Lagos State Emergency
Management Authority(LASEMA) among others.
He directed all counsels to upload all the documents
and evidences they intend to file and for responses to
be made before the next adjourned date, Thursday
October 16, when the court will visit the church while
fixed October 24 to begin the proceeding proper.
Beside the proceedings, some disables who claimed to
have benefited from the goodwill of the church
founder, Pastor T. B. Joshua flooded the court with
placard asking for justice to be done in the case.
Some of them who came on wheel chairs, were
carrying placards with various inscriptions such as:
“Who is the owner of the private jet that flew close to
the building; CCTV footage can’t tell lies. Please
investigate; Tell us the truth: Structural defect or a
controlled blast;
“Why targeting foreigners; It is control demolition, not
structural failure; Tell us the truth, what collapsed the
building; Awareness matters, don’t give way to

Alams’son assassinated in Dubai, Jonathan mourns

Diepreye Peter Solomon Alamieyeseigha
Oyamuyefa, son of a former Governor of Bayelsa State,
Chief Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, has been killed in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The deceased, popularly known as Oyoms, was killed
on Saturday in the Middle East country.
The deceased’s father, who confirmed this to one of our
correspondents, said, “He was killed in Dubai.”
The reason for Oyoms’ killing has yet to be established,
but family sources alleged on Monday that the
deceased was assassinated.
Two different versions have been given concerning
where the former governor’s son was killed.
The first version, one of our correspondents learnt, was
that Oyoms was found dead by the staircase of his
father’s house in Dubai.
However, the second version alleged that the deceased’s
body was found in his hotel room in Dubai, giving the
impression that he might have been assassinated.
It could not be established whether Oyom’s father had
travelled to Dubai to take possession of his son’s
Indication that he might not have travelled out of the
country emerged when he responded to a text message
sent to his mobile phone on Monday by 12noon by one
of our correspondents.
It was later learnt at about 2pm that the bereaved
father had left for Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory,
in company with one of his sons to probably board a
flight to Dubai.
However, as of the time of filing this report, the
circumstances leading to Oyom’s death remained
Meanwhile, President Goodluck Jonathan on Monday
said he received with shock and sadness the news of
the death of Alamieyeseigha’s son.
He said he and his wife, Patience, shared in the grief of
the deceased’s family.
In a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and
Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati, the President pledged the
support of the Federal Government as the family strive
to unravel the circumstances surrounding their son’s
The statement read, “On behalf of his family and the
Federal Government, President Jonathan extends
heartfelt condolences to Oyamuyefa’s father, Chief
Diepreye Alamieyeseigha and his entire family on the
untimely loss of a very dear son in the prime of his
“The President and the First Lady, Dame Patience
Jonathan, share their pain and grief over the death of
Oyamuyefa in circumstances that are still unclear.
“President Jonathan assures Chief Alamieyeseigha and
his family of the full support of the Federal
Government as they strive to unravel the true
circumstances of the young man’s death.
“He prays that God Almighty will receive Oyamuyefa’s
soul and comfort his grieving parents and siblings.”
By me #okoronwko Joshua

Monday 13 October 2014

Nigeria’s self acclaimed fashion icon, Kcee has revealed the reason why he flaunts his assets on social media

I Flaunt My Wealth On Social Media
Because Rihanna & Beyonce Are Doing It
Too – KCee
Nigeria’s self acclaimed fashion icon, Kcee has
revealed the reason why he flaunts his assets on
social media.
The Limpopo crooner who recently spoke with
Encomium Magazine revealed that it is a norm
since even international stars are doing the same.
He said: “Actually, like I said, there is nothing
we do as musicians that is secret.
Everything we do is public. There are so many
people that are not popular that do more than
what we do and nobody cares and nobody want
to know what they do.
But for me, even if you don’t do anything, they
talk about you, if you do, they still talk about
Common, I am just expressing myself..
Even American artistes do the same, from
Beyonce to Rihana , and others.
If they get anything, they put it on social media.
If they want to go anywhere, they put it on
social media.
I just like to express myself, without bothering
myself on what they say.
It is just keeping your real followers or die-hard
fans informed about what you do. It’s not a
For those that are criticizing it, it’s normal. No
matter who you are on earth, people will critcize
People criticise President, Pastors and even Jesus
Christ was criticised in the Bible.
So, I don’t care about what they are saying, the
only thing I do is to make sure I learn from
whatever my fans are saying.
As far as my fashion sense is concerned, I think
its 100% correct.”

Music 9ice drops his last track bfore going out of the industry

Artiste cum politician, 9ice drops a new freestyle titled “Story Story”, Here is a follo up to his double album CNN and GRA some months ago before he finally leaves the music industry.


Fame has changed Super producer Samklef is not happy with Wizkid.

Fame Has Changed Wizkid – Wizkid’sFormer Producer “Samklef” Says
Super producerSamklefis not happy with Wizkid. Speaking exclusively toLIBSamklef,who producedWizkid’s hit single Tease Me and five other songs in Wizkid’s first album, said the superstar singer has not only refused to work with him again, he’s also going about dissing his (Samklef) talent.“I’m not happy with Wizkid. I like his music,but I don’t like him as a person anymore.The reason I don’t like him anymore is, whydo you go about spoiling other people’s business?I never spoiled your business, never came out to say anything bad about you for four years.So why would you go to an OAP and tell theOAP that the reason why you no longer work with me is because my beat is amateur.What does that mean?Those amateur beats was what brought you to limelight, was what made you meet the same Akon who first dropped ‘Don’t Dull’ on your voice.” Samklef said.I never downgraded him. I showed him love. I used to go to his house…but he never came to mine.He doesn’t know my house. He hasn’t even seen my son before. It means he doesn’t regard me as a friend.I wanted to feature him in one of my songs but this guy kept posting me for years.That’s not even why I am angry. I am angrybecause he’s going about disrespecting mytalent. Saying these things in public. It is annoying.“I’m doing fine without Wizkid. I don’t want to say I regret working with him but I’m thanking God that we are all alive.But ask him, the people you are going to feature in America, if they were like you, would you meet them?“I wish him luck. I don’t regret working with his talent, I only regret working with his person.His fame took him away. He forgot where he was coming from. His person is very disgusting.There’s something we call the grace of God. Before Wizkid got to where he is today, somebody gave him a front line, somebody introduced him.He didn’t just come from anywhere. Makingmusic is not just about one person. Banky was there to give him the front line and others came to help out.I’m not the only one complaining, other producers are complaining. I don’t want to call names but nobody is saying anything good about Wizkid and you call yourself a superstar when you keep matching other people down.What is the star about you? Is it because you are featuring other foreign artists? You are not the first to do that, others have donethat before so why are you carried away?“I don’t want to do anything with Wizkid anymore. Keep it to yourself, keep your name.I have new friends and new family. But he can continue talking. We are listening.I don’t wish him bad. He says my beat is amateur but watch out for Samklef.”He said
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