Sunday 30 November 2014

10 Reasons to choose Family over Love

In today’s times, we often see people being torn
between love and family. Families are splitting up
as one partner is not comfortable with the others
parents and their interference. We see that parents
keep waiting for a call from their children and
spend days in Old age homes waiting for someone
to come and greet them. But is this happening?
What is the reason that a person has to choose
between family, which has been there for him/her
and love, which is his/her possible future. What is
the right thing to do in such a case? If you ask me,
i would suggest you to let go of your love and
embrace your family, and here are 10 reasons why
this decision is the right one-


Family is a safety net for everyone. Wherever you
go, knowing that your family is by your side gives
you the confidence to face anything and
everything. I can guarantee you that had you not
had the protection cover of your family; people
would have definitely treated you differently. If
something wrong happens to you, it’s your family
that you expect the most from. Whereas this is not
the same case with love as most of the times the
relationship crumbles under strenuous times. With
love, it’s easy to break off the relationship when
your partner doesn’t meet your expectations, but
with family you can always tell them what you
expect and if the expectations aren’t met by, then
you might sulk for some time, but you can never
really break off from them.


When you first started walk, you would fall just
after 2 very small steps. When you started cycling,
you would fall down ever so often that you would
never have touched that cycle again if it wasn’t
your Dad. Mom or elder brother/sister assuring
you that they would hold you and not let you fall.
Family will always support you whether you are
high up in the sky or struggling through life. They
would always be there holding your hand and
telling you to try again just one more time. Love on
the other hand has been known to suffer a setback
through the rainy days.


Everyone needs to know their place in this world.
For human beings, who are extremely emotional
creatures, knowing where they come from is an
assurance that they deserve to be a part of the
macrocosm. You cannot have a happy relationship
if you are not complete in yourself. And family is
that place which gives you this assurance. If you
are lost, you can travel the whole wide world but
you will only be found at the doorstep of the place
where you were brought up.


The simplest point is that love is not pure if it’s
asking you to let go of the most important thing in
life. True love will work hard for its survival, not
take the easy route by running away. If a person
really loves you, he/she will try their best to prove
to your family that they are the best for you. They
would try and be a part of the family than destroy
it. If you boyfriend ever tells you to elope, do run,
but in the opposite direction from him.


Family lays the foundation of your whole
existence. You would be surprised to know that
research has proved that the way a person has
been brought up actually has a huge influence in
that persons relationships when they grow up. A
person at various stages in live goes through
different experiences that are the deciding factor in
whether he/she might have a successful or not so
successful life, the family support plays a very
important role in this. Love on the other hand
takes you into a bubble and when that bubble
burst, realisation strikes and it is not always a
happy ending.


 You can never replace family or get a new one if
you wanted to. They are limited edition beings and
hence if you let go of it once, you might find
yourself an orphan. Love on the other hand will
come and go like the seasons. If one relationship
fails, you can always move on and find one
someone who your family approves off. And you
will still end up having quite a wonderful life. But
you leave your family and go with love; you will
always feel that it is because of love that you lost
one of the most important things in life which is
the support, love and blessings of your loved ones
You can never replace family or get a new one if
you wanted to. They are limited edition beings and
hence if you let go of it once, you might find
yourself an orphan. Love on the other hand will
come and go like the seasons. If one relationship
fails, you can always move on and find one
someone who your family approves off. And you
will still end up having quite a wonderful life. But
you leave your family and go with love; you will
always feel that it is because of love that you lost
one of the most important things in life which is
the support, love and blessings of your loved ones


Your parents will accept you however you are.
They do not have any conditions. If you are a quit
person, they will give you your space; if you are a
loud person, they will get use to your voice.
Parents, siblings know how you are and they
behave with you in that way. With family you can
just be. If they think that you are wrong, they will
advice you of it and that’s it. But love on the other
hand has rules and regulations. There are certain
expectations and when you do not follow the code,
there are chances of breaking up. In love, you have
to think before doing something. With family, they
already understand what you are trying to say
even when you aren’t able to utter a single word.


Family is forever. They are there when you are
born. They are there when you first start crawling.
They are there when you have your first laugh and
when you utter your first word. If you look back
on life you’ll see that most of your happy
memories will include members of your family.
Family was and will always be there, even when
love doesn’t work out. Love on the other hand is
not something that is guaranteed. Even after
marriage, there is constant work required from
both partners to sustain love. Love can hardly be
called eternal; otherwise divorce wouldn’t have
been so famous.


Your parents do everything for you when you are a
child. They suffer to send you to the best school
and work like dogs to ensure that their kids have a
royal life. They take all your whining and make it
look adorable. They never ever want anything in
return. They will always love no matter what you
do. It’s the most selfless and unconditional form of
love if there ever existed any. Love on the other
hand is a matter of give and take. It always
expects something in return and when that need is
not fulfilled it’s gone.



Family is where life begins and love never ends.
People while growing always forget that their
parents are also getting old and they need their
support now more than ever. It has always been
said that true heaven lies in the feet of your
parents. Seeing them have a content life at the
twilight of their life is a joy that no date or kiss
can ever give you. But honestly it should always be
difficult to choose between love and family. There
is a solution to it. You can have both by making
your love a part of your family.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Finally the Best Street Song in 2014 will get it Remix anytime soon

Finally the Best Street Song in 2014 will get it
Remix anytime soon.
Popular Agege based Producer, Dre San Partners
with Terry G to record the Remix to his Monster
Hit Jam set to drop on December 1st 2014 and
will be Premiered here on Naijadoops.
Keep your Fingers crossed and Anticipate this
dope song.
Tell us if you Love Dre San Shoki and Let us
know How Ready you’re for the Remix?
Drop your Comment.

Friday 28 November 2014

Maheeda Goes Wet And Completely Naked In Kitchen – Showing All Her Part

Maheeda Goes Wet And Completely Naked In Kitchen – Showing All Her Part

She still doesn’t care about peoples opinion about her, see
more pics below
what do you think about her??
Use the post a comment to comment on this!!!

wedding ceremony cancelled because the bride wants to wear a high hill shoe

Wedding ceremony was cancelled in Imo state, between brother Peter & sis Kate.. because of this high hill shoe!

A wedding between bro Peter and sis Kate has just been cancelled because of high
shoes. The introduction ceremony had been held and the
wedding day was already fixed! The venue for the ceremony
had been rented. Friends and relationships from far and near
were all informed about the wedding Some days to the
wedding, the wife and the husband to be went to a wedding
shop to get a wedding gown, shoes and bag! And the sister
saw a very beautiful high shoes and decided to buy it but the
spiritual brother said "NO" They argued for hours! At last the
brother said if she was going to buy the shoe the wedding is
cancelled! Then the sister said if she would not be allowed to
buy the high shoes, she's no longer interested in the wedding
again! Like a joke, they began to call friends and relations
that the wedding was cancelled! The shame on the family was
unbearable! Are you surprised? An african man will say "it
was the devil" Many singles want to get married but are not
mature for marriage! Marriage is not a toy for babies. The
fact that a wedding gown fits you does not make you mature
for marriage. The wedding gown is only for one day but the
MATURITY gown is the dress a woman put on for the rest of
her married life. The fabric for making MATURITY GOWN is
gotten from the cotton of TOLERANCE; woven with the thread
of SUBMISSION and PATIENCE Old age is not maturity! I've
met some singles who still think like children, talk like
children, behave like children and respond to relationship like
children! And that's one the reasons we have heartbreaks,
break ups everywhere! Any little argument, he/she is out of
the relationship! A girl who thinks everything about marriage
is a wedding gown, high shoes, confetti, bridal train and
honeymoon is yet to come into maturity even if she's thirty
year of age! A brother who can't make any decision but still
runs to his mum 4 advise on every issue is a boy in daddy's
clothes! Allow him to grow up. Work on yourself. Attend
Marriage Seminar. Attend marriage school. Go for premarital
counseling. Position Yourself for A Blissful Marriage

Thursday 27 November 2014

Virtue Carriers of fulfilling word foundation church is organising a free business seminar

Virtue  carriers
Are the great youths of
Fulfilling word foundation
Just as we know succeeding
In life is a mater of time and chance.
                        ''It's not all about what you can
                            Do, but it's all about you having the chance to do what you can do”

So why not use this beautiful Chance of opportunity as the VIRTUE  CARRIERS
Of Fulfilling word foundation church  bring to you a free Business seminar this week  sunday the 30th November/2014.
And it will take place immediately after the 3rd Service.....
(opportunity knocks but once, if you hear another knock I bet you its Jehovah witness lolz...)
Any way if you don't know the address of the church it's located @
Fulfilling-Word Close, Okujagu Roundabout, Odili road, Port
Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria.
For Enquiries call Mr Abia on

Saturday 15 November 2014

See the tallest man in the world meets the shortest man today

Sometimes you have to be proud of what God gave you, or what God made you to be.
Don't be disappointed of who you are, every thing happens for a reason!

Encourage your friends to be proud of who they are by sharing this post to your favourite social media using the share button down! 

Friday 14 November 2014

HELP!! Tonto Dikeh Says She Has No a*s Or Hips That Can Save Her Awesome Life

This Isn’t Funny Tho, But Please Can You
Develop It For Her?

Kcee Surprised students of Alvan Ikoku College Of Education Owerri

Kcee Surprised students of Alvan Ikoku College Of Education
Owerri today. It has been a fun filled day. We would be
stopping by at your school pretty soon. So keep texting 11 to 400

If u need MTN to make it happen in your own school!

Thursday 13 November 2014

Thursday 6 November 2014

Job vacancy

Good morning. Please pass this on. May be useful to someone you know. ................... We are currently filling contract positions for immediate employment and resumption in Lagos. Candidates with academic background in any of the following fields; Law, french, CRK, IRK, Journalism/Mass Communication, Tourism & Hospitality, Mathematics and ICT are encouraged to apply via before tomorrow 7/11/14. Please note: 1. Successful candidates must be familiar with their academic field of study. 2. Fresh or recent graduates are preferred. 3. Must be computer literate (PowerPoint, Microsoft word & Excel) 4. Must be able to comprehend and summarize read material. 5. Must be able to communicate effectively in writing and in speaking. 6. Must be familiar with social media (Facebook). 7. Must be below the age of 30.

Basketmouth And Wife Celebrate 4th Wedding Anniversary

 Comedian Basketmouth and wife Elsie Okpocha
are celebrating their 4th wedding anniversary
today November 6th.
The couple have been together for over 10 years
and have two beautiful children together.
Happy Anniversary to them!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

PASTOR PETER!! Peter Okoye Prays For Igbos [Must Read]

Jail break: 132 prisoners freed by gun men in Kogi

The attackers used explosives to blow up the
prison and also fired guns leading to the death of
one person.
132 inmates at the Koton-Karfi Prison, Kogi State
have reportedly been released from their cells by
unidentified gunmen.
The attackers used explosives to blow up the
prison and also fired guns leading to the death of
one person.
Police spokesperson, Emmanuel Ojukwu told AFP:

“They blew up the thing with dynamite.”
Punch reports that the attack occurred on
Monday, November 3 and 144 inmates escaped
while AFP reports that the attack occurred on
Sunday with…

A middle-aged woman, caused a stir in Kubwa, Abuja, on Monday, when she was found naked on the rooftop of the All Saint’s Fellowship Church close to the Kubwa Village market

A middle-aged woman, caused a stir in Kubwa, Abuja, on
Monday, when she was found naked on the rooftop of the All
Saint’s Fellowship Church close to the Kubwa Village
market.The woman, who sold bean cake and was well known
in the neighbourhood, was branded a witch by the huge
number of spectators that were drawn to the scene, but the
quick intervention of the police saved her from being lynched
by the angry mob.The police team, led by the Kubwa
Divisional Police Officer,brought the woman from the roof and
asked her children to bring items of clothing for her before
she was taken to the station.According to the DPO, “We
rescued the woman from the All Saint’s Fellowship Church,
where we found her naked on the rooftop. I learnt she has
psychiatric problems, but the spectators believed she was a
witch and wanted to attack her, so we had to bring her to the
station and place her under protective custody.”
What registers with you most considering the details above?
Given the African context and the realities of belief systems
that exist,is there anything out of place with the mob which
branded the woman a witch?What then does the above speak
of concerning a traditional African,Nigerian society in a
contemporary world?

Saturday 1 November 2014

Ini Edo Has a New Man in Her Life – Guess Who?

If the latest gossip in town, is anything to key
into, then you probably want to hear how Ini Edo
came about her lastest acquisition, a N120m
house in Lekki.
According to a source close to the recently
divorced actress, who was rumoured recently to
have bought a house in Lekki for N120m(The
actual cost is N70M, Agent fee,renovation and
furnishing reportedly gulped N50M), Ini has a
new man, a Rivers State based politician, who
has been giving her everything most women
dream of.
The politician according to the source bought her
the 120 million Naira mansion in Lekki Phase II,
and the guy wants Ini Edo to relocate to London
for a while in order to get past her divorce pain.
“It is obvious Ini is not a happy woman at
the moment, all she is doing to you media
people is to make faces, she is deeply hurting
inside, her biggest pain right now is her past
miscarriages that has taken a toll on her
physical body, she is not willing to do
surgery right now”
Ini Edo and her siblings have reportedly moved
into the mansion in Lekki. Hmm! Na wa o..Some
women are so lucky sha or what do you think???
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