Monday 28 September 2015

A/26/years old has been Stabbed To Death For Showing Interest In Chief’s Daughter

A plumber in Ogijo has been stabbed to death in light of the fact that he indicated enthusiasm for the little girl of his township's ruler.

The passing of Semiu Sanni, 26, a plumber, who was stabbed amid the yearly Ojude Oba celebration in Sagamu Local Government has conveyed distress to the general population of Sagamu.

The plumber who kicked the bucket at about midnight Sunday while in transit to Ikorodu General Hospital was stabbed at around 7.05pm at Omoleye zone of Ogijo, Vanguard reports.

Taking after his passing, the Oluwo of Ogijo, Chief Mufutau Oduntan , and his quick relatives have been dislodged as two autos, a building and belongings fitting in with the family had been set on fire by a swarm.

As indicated by onlookers' record, the late Semiu, a charged cultist, purportedly had intercourse progresses at the boss' little girl, which the father did not take merciful to.

Boss Oduntan was said to have cautioned the perished to stay away from his little girl or face his rage.

A contention was said to host followed between both gatherings which additionally stretched out to their companions.

While the Ojude-Oba was continuous, the boss met the perished's dad, Mr Sakurai Sanni, famously called "Arewa', requesting that he prevent his child from taking part in an extramarital entanglements with his little girl.

Not exactly long after the notice, Semiu was said to have been assaulted by individuals from an adversary gathering who stabbed him severally on the neck after which he was left in the pool he could call his own blood.

His loved ones individuals were said to have hurried to his guide by taking him to a private healing center where he was dismisses however kicked the bucket while in transit to Ikorodu General Hospital.

It was found out that when the occurrence happened on Saturday, a crowd raged the boss' living arrangement, setting his two autos burning.

As though this was insufficient, they were said to have returned yesterday, pursuing the boss and his prompt relatives out and set their property burning.

Affirming the occurrence, Ogun State Police representative, Mr Muyiwa Adejobi, said the suspects had sought refuge. "The DPO has been ordered to fish them out," he said

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