Thursday 3 September 2015

Nigerian Army pledges to overcome Boko Haram in 3 months

The Nigerian Army has promised to crush Boko Haram in 3 months. This was expressed in an announcement discharged by the acting representative of the Army Public Relations, Col. Sani Usman. Some piece of the announcement peruses

"I have no particle of uncertainty in my brain that our troops will wipe out the radicals in the most limited conceivable time and we are focused on this objective. You are mindful that our troops recovered Gamboru Ngala last Tuesday and are presently combining, wiping up and get ready for the following hostile against the terrorists.

It is satisfying to note that a large portion of the terrorist bunch authority, has been obliterated, while infantry are deserting their bosses, covering their weapons in the backwoods and looking for comfort. It is the accomplishments from blended endeavors that have affirmed our stand that the uprising would be finished as quickly as time permits. We might want to console @MBuhari Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and undoubtedly the great individuals. of our awesome country that we would most likely get together with the 3-month due date and do the country glad." the announcement said.

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