Wednesday 10 December 2014

Ex Governor Of Old Anambra State, Jim Nwobodo Disowns Three Children From First Wife Over Son's Burial

Ex Governor Of Old Anambra State, Jim

Nwobodo Disowns Three Children From

First Wife Over Son's Burial [DETAILS

There has been lots of controversies in the house of the
Former Governor of Old Anambra state when he openly
disowned his three children from first wife. More details
His words ;
“This is not really a very happy occasion for me – at my
age, I should be talking about peace and not to get involved
in something like this. Ifeanyi was my first son and
unknown to us, myself and my wife, his family hid him.
“When we got to know that he was sick, we were very
worried, we made sure he was taken to the best cancer
hospital in the US.”
“From the day he died, I started planning for his burial.
Because of politics, I felt that I should bury him before the
“Chukwudi and Nonso (Ifeanyi’s siblings) came to see me
here and I told them that the burial will be in two weeks
time, that they should come back so that we could plan for
“As I am talking, I have seen neither Chukwudi nor Nonso
till date. Their sister, who came back from US and called
me to say that she is back, as I am talking to you, I have
not seen her.
“You start to wonder- what kind of children are these? The
press said I have two wives – it is not true. I divorced her
(former wife) before I became governor. I have the divorce
papers, please don’t refer to me as having two wives. I am
a decent man. I have only one wife. Please save me the
trouble and embarrassment of talking about matrimonial
trouble, the church will not wed me if I have two wives.
“The children through her (former wife) cannot be said to
have been flesh and blood. I am stopping at that – you
know what I mean. A child that is yours will not hurt you
like this, these children cannot be my flesh and blood.
“My children love me. It is only children that are not yours
that will seize their brother’s dead body. If they can steal
the dead body of their brother, it is terrible,
“They suggested the church and when the Bishop
approached me, I accepted. The Bishops started preparing
for the service, but till date the same people disappeared. If
they say a word, I will tell the world what they have done
and the entire world will spit at them”.
“If you are a father, you put the date for your son’s burial
and these riff-raffs put a new date, will you go?”

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