Monday 17 August 2015

Buhari follows up unreturned government resources

An advisory group has been set up by the Federal

Government saddled with the obligation of recouping

government property from previous government authorities.

Sources near the Presidency have uncovered that a

number of previous government authorities are still in

ownership of vehicles, structures, generator sets and other

privileges that accompanied their past positions.

As indicated by the sources, in resentment abandoning their different

workplaces right around three months back, numerous are yet to return

these administration properties.

To this impact, government has set up a board made

up of common workers and security operators to recoup the

unreturned open resources from the political office holders,

who had left office.

Amid a talk with some newsmen in Abuja on Sunday, the

Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and

Exposure, Mallam Garba Shehu, affirmed the circumstance.

"That is exactly the case, even here at the Villa, there

are autos and other property fitting in with the legislature

which are yet to be returned."

As per him, the Buhari's organization will soon

start to interest for the arrival of these advantages.

He focused on that the point was not to humiliate anybody but rather

to give back the properties to government.

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