Tuesday 25 August 2015

Jackie Chan coming live To Nigeria Cinemas

Have you heard that the legend, Jackie Chan, will be in Nigeria from September fourth 2015? Wonderful! Get the opportunity to see him direct (don't be told) as he performs his entrancing tricks and recounts an awesome story in silver screens crosswise over Nigeria through his $65million dollar film "Winged serpent Blade". This has been named as one of the finest of his works featuring Golden Globe Winner (John Cusack), Academy Award Winner (Adrien Brody) and Jackie Chan.

Winged serpent Blade recounts the story ofHuoAn (Jackie Chan), a Hun, serving as the skipper of the Protection Squad Silk Road. A Roman general named Lucius (John Cusack) escapes toward the East with his army and Publius (Jozef Waite), beneficiary of the decision Roman Consul, to escape from the degenerate Emperor Tiberius (Adrien Brody), who arrangements to slaughter Publius and usurp the throne. They meet HuoAn at a boondocks fortification on the Silk Road, where they get haven. Tiberius and his armed force, who have sought after Lucius along the Silk Road, approach the post with goal of executing Publius and aspirations of catching and controlling the Silk Road. HuoAn chooses to help Lucius, and goes to his associates to enlist an armed force to battle against Tiberius. HuoAn touches base with fortifications, and an epic fight like never seen, starts.

The film is being disseminated by FilmOne and watch out for the yell out by Jackie Chan to all Nigeria peeps before the discharge (online and at the silver screens) and the individuals who get the chance to watch the motion picture, stand the shot of having a "valid" Dragon Blade notice, signed by Jackie Chan himself. YES, that is an actuality. There'll likewise be awesome prizes to win when you purchase tickets to watch Dragon Blade.

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