Monday 31 August 2015

Man sentenced for 5 years jail for setting pregnant lover on fire

On Monday, a 37-year-old bar administrator who was distinguished as Lucky Esonahae was charged on one tally setting so as to verge on set his pregnant girl friend ablaze.

The arraigning officer, Sergeant Ganiyu Yahya, told the court that the episode occurred at Uwelu Quartres in Benin, and was accounted for by the casualty, Stella Isaac, on July 6, that day it happened.

Yahya said Esonahae poured lamp oil on Stella, why should said be 7 months pregnant, lit a match and set her ablaze.


He said that the casualty was later saved by one of her children and her neighbors, who constrained the entryway of her room open, as she had been secured.

He said the casualty, who was later hurried to the Central Hospital, where she got treatment supported smolders staring her in the face and temple.

The police prosecutor additionally told the court that Esonahae had before blamed the pregnant lady for treachery for purportedly returning at around 6pm from her stake natal care and had undermined to murder her, before she hurried to her sister's living arrangement.

The charge read:

"That you, Lucky Esonahae, on July 6, 2015, at Uwelu Quartres, Benin, in the Egor Magisterial District, did cause unfortunate mischief to one Stella Isaac, by setting her ablaze with lamp fuel, which cause her real damage and, along these lines, perpetrated an offense culpable under Section 355(B) of the Criminal Code Cap 48, Vol. II, Law of the outdated Bendel State of Nigeria, 1976, as pertinent to Edo State."

The charged confessed to the offense and asked for mercy.

However, the directing judge, Igho Braimoh, said the court would not be tolerant, including, "for a 37-year-old man to set a significant other ablaze fail to impress anyone."

She, in this way, sentenced him to 5 years in jail with hard work.

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