Tuesday 6 January 2015

Akwa Ibom Unity Choir Enters Guinness Book Of World Records

The Akwa Ibom State choral group has broken the world record for the largest number of Christmas carol singers in the world. 

The Guinness World Records has officially certified it and now has it on its website. 

The unity choir, a 25,272 man-choral group, broke the record at a concert in the Uyo Township Stadium on Saturday, December 13, 2014 with Guinness World Records representatives in attendance. The choir beat the record set by a group known as CENTI in Bogota, Columbia, which had 15,674 carol singers the previous year (December 15, 2013). 
Guinness World Records adjudicator, Liz Smith, who did the announcement in Guinness World Record Headquarters, London, United Kingdom congratulated the choir and said "It is now time to reveal the report of the official attempt to break the Guinness World Record of the largest group of carol singers. 

Our team of highly trained record specialists have reached a decision. The record to beat was 15,674. I can now confirm that your attempt to break the record has been successful. Congratulations on receiving a new Guinness World Records Title. The title of the largest group of carol singers has been achieved by Godswill Akpabio Unity Choir. You are officially amazing."

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