Monday 12 January 2015

Meet Nigerian Female Presidential Candidate Remi Sonaiya

The 2015 election season is undoubtedly an interesting one, as people from different walks of life vye for public office. People like Remi Sonaiya , female presidential candidate running on the KOWA party platform, is one of such individuals that makes this period enthralling. Sonaiya intends to change the face of Nigerian politics without help from a godfather and without spending millions on campaigns, CHANNELS reports. “I have a stake in Nigeria. I am qualified to run for the presidency of Nigeria…Like what Barack Obama said, he thought there was a skinny little black boy who thought that America had room for him. Well, this not so skinny woman thinks that Nigeria has a place for her, at the leadership level also,” she said. She also stated that she had avoided joining one of the two major political parties, because she did not agree with their ideologies, internal lack of democracy, and godfatherism. Sonaiya, who reportedly holds a doctorate in linguistics, decried the culture of spending millions of Naira on campaigns, stating that such funds could be channeled into developmental projects for building the nation.

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